
Lucseeker posted @ 2010年3月25日 07:58 in 未分类 with tags Qt windows , 1968 阅读


    晚上在google code下载了一个项目的源代码,编译没有什么问题,在qt creator下面运行也是没有什么问题,但是直接到代码目录底下运行就产生奇怪的问题了,无论是debug下面还是release下面,release还好程序能运行,不过有奇怪的问题产生。于是搜索了一下,在这里找到了答案,按照里面说的,把路径设置了一下之后就ok了,不过那几个动态链接库还真是有点大啊,总共有十几M,假如写一个小软件的话光那几个库文件就受不了,静态链接的时候不知道有多大呢。


NCERT Term 2 Questio 说:
2022年9月28日 13:21

Session 2 of the Course is called Term 2, and the Class 2nd Standard students who prepared for their examination tests can download the NCERT 2nd Term Question Paper 2023 Pdf with Answers for all Languages and Subjects of the Course. Every Central Board and other Schools have conducted their examination tests as per the revised syllabus and curriculum designed and published by NCERT.NCERT Term 2 Question Paper Class 2 Every year the NCERT has published the study and learning material for every 2nd class student studying at all locations of the country for both SA-2, FA3, FA-4 and Assignment exams to Hindi mediu. 说:
2024年1月22日 16:43

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